
It’s a go!

The whirlwind of preparing for Albania officially starts! We meet this coming Sunday to fill out our paperwork and start the process of having our passports and backgrounds checked​, filling out health forms, and submitting applications. This week we are beginning our study of the country, it’s history and current culture.


​We are so excited! Danny is looking forward to getting to connect with Albanian boys his age, many that live in homes where their father is absent for various reasons. I can only imagine how the Lord might use my Danny to encourage these boys.

During church this morning I began asking the Lord how he would like art to be used on this trip. I believe he might have given me a glimpse of a project to put together!

 Prayer Requests: 

  • For the Lord to begin growing Danny’s testimony in him and for him to see how it might be used as encouragement to others. 
  • For the Lord to further show me the details of an art project to have ready for this trip. 
  • For our initial need of $150 by this Sunday (2/25/18) to be met so that we can submit our paperwork for background checks, clerical fees, etc.