
On Your Mark, Get Set...

We've been working on our mark! Applications have been filled out. Health forms are completed. Passport numbers were given and permission for background checks submitted. Plane tickets and fundraising is next.

We've started getting set! Last Sunday we met with our team. Over a lunch of chilli and cornbread we talked about what we will be working on in Albania, learned more of the history and culture of the country, and discussed needs that our friends who live there have shared with us and how we might best pray and meet those needs.

And God said go! Our team had added the cost and been made aware of what the total amount we each needed to cover our flights, housing, and meals. $2000 a piece. That's where our support needs would start. Then, our team leaders told us he had sent some letters about our trip out to some business colleagues of his and they had responded....and they responded big. Out of thirteen of us going, one entire family is already funded and the rest of us are starting our fundraising already half way funded! When God is in something, He lets you know, and with that big blessing we know that we've heard him loud and clear.

We are in awe of what God has already done and can't wait to watch and see how he wraps this up! To finish raising our funds I am looking for ten churches willing to host an art workshop. My workshops range from drawing to watercolors to acrylic painting and are all based around the word of God. Please message me if you know of a church body that would like to offer a workshop between now and June.

Thank you sweet friends! 

Prayers and Praises

Thankfulness for the abundant provision He has already provided for the trip and for the final funds.

Clarity in what the Lord has to say to each of us going about what task he has for each of us to step into.

Ease, provision, and blessings to fall upon the Waggoners as they prepare for us to arrive.