
Posts tagged Albania
I Rang the Bell!

A week ago today I had my last of 33 radiation treatments! I packed up my hotel room, rang the bell, and came home. When I received the call from a doctor telling me I had cancer I was sitting in the living room of friends in Albania. God had sent me there, and God timed that call. That was Friday, July 27, 2018. On Friday, April 5, 2019 I finished n-i-n-e long, hard months of treatments in the morning, and confirmed my tickets back to Albania that afternoon.

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It's All Good

I will have breast conservation surgey with sentinel node biopsy and possible axillary lymph node dissection on Tuesday. The cancer has responded so well to the chemotherapy that it cannot be felt, only seen through imaging. That ole Red Devil…it reminds me of Romans 8:28.

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

God took a poison, a toxin and made it good. God took a disease, and healed. Years ago God took me, a sinner, forgave, and started calling me according to His purpose.

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“and the wall fell down”

Thursday morning as I was having the biopsy on my left breast. I was talking with God and my mind went to Joshua. This seemed strange to me because I’m currently reading in Samuel and then of course I’m a little obsessed with Job right now. I’m not Job but I can definitely relate on certain levels with him. But anyways I started thinking about how Joshua had to walk around Jericho seven times and why? I mean we know God told him to, so he just had to obey but why? What was the bigger purpose? The bigger picture?

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Albania, a place in my heart.

Geographically it's beautiful. Mountains rest behind fields of wild, fruits of every kind grow profoundly in every direction, and the waters from sea to ponds and rivers hide within the landscape.

Historically it is rich. Form ancient amphitheaters to medieval castles and towers to the fall of a communistic rule in the 1990's it leaves no decade dull for the books. 

It's real treasure though is its people. They have a strong tradition of family and community not often found in today. They live close, they mourn together, and they celebrate together, often for days.

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It’s a go!

The whirlwind of preparing for Albania officially starts! We meet this coming Sunday to fill out our paperwork and start the process of having our passports and backgrounds checked, filling out health forms, and submitting applications. 

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