
“and the wall fell down”

Chemo round #1 - August 17, 2018

Chemo round #1 - August 17, 2018

“So the people shouted, and priests blew the trumpets; and when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, the people shouted with a great shout and the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up into the city, every man straight ahead, and they took the city.” -Joshua 6:20


Thursday morning as I was having the biopsy on my left side, I was talking with God and my mind went to Joshua. This seemed strange to me because I’m currently reading in Samuel and then of course I’m a little obsessed with Job right now. I know I’m not Job but I can definitely relate on certain levels with him. Anyways, I started thinking about how Joshua had to walk around Jericho seven times and why? I mean we know God told him to, so he just had to obey, but why? What was the bigger purpose? The bigger picture? I’m laying there with a nurse and doctor using my body as a needle cushion while Jen and mom are sitting in the chairs by the wall and I’m trying to figure out Jericho. I kept thinking to say it allowed...to tell Jen. But you know how you do, you think “no, just tell her later,” but I kept thinking “say it, say it allowed so you have evidence later that this is what He was speaking.” So I said “Jen I’m laying here obsessed about why Joshua had to walk around Jericho.” Everyone in the room chuckles, jokes are made about me being a Bible nerd and conversation continues. At lunch I kept thinking to look it up. I got busy eating. It stayed on my mind and although I knew I could find my Precept notes on it when I got home I wanted to form thoughts on it then, so I finally looked it up...thinking “this is dumb, you know why...it was to show obedience and even when you don’t understand or have faith you just do it”...well, look what I found! It was as if it was written for me.


Many know how I have felt like God was moving me into a new life the past two years but it is one I can’t see and for sure don’t know how to get to. I believe there was no mistake and it was in His perfect timing that I was in Albania on the first night of my trip that I received the call about my diagnosis. It wasn’t on the third night or the last night, I was called on the first night. God had me processing my cancer while doing His work. I don’t know what He has in store for me, but I know it’s something and He’s about to throw down the walls of cancer so I can get past this obstacle and walk into a new life!