
An Army of Love


I read every single word of love and encouragement written to me. I treasure them and they make me smile and warm my heart. Unfortunately, I think I seldom respond to those words with a thank you. Some times it’s because I see the notification in a moment of exhaustion. Some times the text comes through as my head is pounding. Some times I grab a card from the mailbox or hear the chime of an email when I feel like “me” and am up to my ears with the sweet tasks of being mom. I may not respond, but really and truly I read them all and am overwhelmed in gratitude for being so blessed by so many praying for me.

A friend and I were talking the other night and she was telling me about where she was when she heard the news of my cancer. She was with two of her girlfriends of which I’ve never met. They stopped what they were doing and right then and there began praying. They are now part of my journey, part of the prayer warriors. 

When Seanan was born I saw the first army of warriors rise up for my family. When Mike died that army tripled. As Seanan has had heart and back surgeries it has continued to grow. Now cancer has been added to the battles and even more warriors are lining up. I stand in awe of that army, knowing there’s a march of commanding angels hovering above. 

I look around and wonder why. I wonder why my life has taken the attacks that it has. I wonder why people that I’ve never met are willing to pray for me. I wonder why some, who I don't share a common faith with are willing to stand up and rally a battle cry out for me. As I was talking with my friend I realized one of the whys. The experiences I’ve walked in are some of womens biggest fears, the most dreaded What-Ifs. "What if my husband dies? What if my child is unwell? What if I get cancer?" 

Life can throw an endless amount of What-Ifs...but there are some that will never be.

Never will our Lord leave us. Never will He forsake us. Never can we be separated from the love of God.  Never will He fail us. Never will He allow the righteous to be shaken.

It’s an odd observation to realize that you’re living out what many, myself included, fear so deeply....To connect with friends and people you don’t know on such an intimate level...To share my battles and understand they have become others sub-conscious battles against the What-Ifs.

Together we’ll keep our eyes on the Lord and let Him fight.  Together we'll band and survive the What-Ifs of this life. Thank you friends, old and new, known and unknown, for fighting with me!