
It's All Good

During a chemo treatment, before the eyebrows and eyelashes went, with one of the sweet prayer shawls made for me.

During a chemo treatment, before the eyebrows and eyelashes went, with one of the sweet prayer shawls made for me.

I will have breast conservation surgery with sentinel node biopsy and possible axillary lymph node dissection on Tuesday. The cancer has responded so well to the chemotherapy that it cannot be felt, only seen through imaging. That ole Red Devil…it reminds me of Romans 8:28.

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

God took a poison, a toxin and made it good. God took a disease, and healed. Years ago God took me, a sinner, forgave, and started calling me according to His purpose.

Last month so many good things began unfolding. I have decided (or felt a pulling) for this season to lead a Precept study online instead of locally. I will begin with I Samuel and the group will be hosted through Beloved Truth, a privately funded ministry that assists in connecting study leaders and those wanting to take a class in a virtual setting. This will allow friends near and far to join in the word together. I have also been given the opportunity to learn Albanian the “easy way” (Haha!) by combining an online study with women and young ladies in Albania with language learning! I am honored to be working with the Precept Ministries International Albanian Team to get translated studies into the hands of those eager to learn Gods word. Plans to get the boys and I active on the ground over there are being prayed over and baby steps taken. I’ll share details in a later post but I believe we are being shown how we can keep Toccoa our hometown and be sent too!

During the last work day at our church the hanging system for the art ministry was installed and my mind is stirring with new plans for workshops and prophetic art times in this new year. I’ve started the first painting I have attempted since beginning treatment. Panels for a sanctuary backdrop are in the works and…well as you see…He’s making all things good…for HIS purpose!

Joseph has been working hard at renovating an apartment and building HANCO. Danny grew another three feet both in height and foot length and got his learners license. Seanan has remained healthy and won 1st place in an art competition. Nolan learned to read and morphed into a boy fit for a storybook. Eamonn is full of spunk and tells us all just like it is. My boys have been troopers over the last four months and I am blessed they are mine!

By Tuesday afternoon I will be past part two of my treatment plan with only five weeks of radiation and long term hormone therapy to go. I may not have toenails, hair, or eyelashes yet, and the neropathy is still a problem, but my body is healing more and more every single day. All this goodness brings me to the verse the Lord gave me when all this started….remember…He told me it was all benign…good…and look how He’s worked it!