
I Rang the Bell!

My friends Bible. His Truth is the same, no matter the language!

My friends Bible. His Truth is the same, no matter the language!

A week ago today I had my last of 33 radiation treatments! I packed up my hotel room, rang the bell, and came home. When I received the call from a doctor telling me I had cancer I was sitting in the living room of friends in Albania. God had sent me there, and God timed that call. That was Friday, July 27, 2018. On Friday, April 5, 2019 I finished n-i-n-e long, hard months of treatments in the morning, and confirmed my tickets back to Albania that afternoon.

I have nothing but good things to say about the Cancer Treatment Centers of America. Sure, there were hiccups here and there with insurance and such, but that could and probably would have been the case anywhere. Each department treated me so personably and with genuine concern to help give me the most positive prognosis possible. In my time there I became friends with several other patients and the staff there. The housekeeping crew even gave Eamonn a little surprise birthday party. There is one friend though that I particularly became fond of. As I got to know her it was evident she loved our Lord. One day I was in her room and it made my heart swell to look over on her dresser to see her Bible open and marked up in the book of Isiah. She immigrated from Romania twenty or so years ago and it just blows my mind that here we are, friends at a cancer center, praising, praying to, and seeking the same Lord. It made me think about how He binds us up as family in His body. What an extra blessing to add her, her husband, and precious little girl to the list of ones God has placed in my life to worship with!

God knocked the walls of cancer down, brought me into a new season, healed me and restored me, and as He is God, stayed true to the words He spoke to me when it all started, that I would live through this.

In June I will get on a flight and go back to Albania in victory. God is sending me, just like he did last July, but this time with greater purpose. He is building that work more and more, piece by piece. By the time I come home in June I hope to be able to better identify just exactly what that looks like for the boys and I in Albania, but for now I can tell you the things that I am confident He has established.

The boys and I will be traveling to Albania to work several times a year. We have made financial commitments to the Lord with His provisions and know and trust that He will continue to provide for our lifestyle needs as we commit more to Him. It is my hope that opportunities come into play for us to travel around Albania visiting indigenously planted churches to share inductive study through art workshops and classes. While doing this we want to be the hands of Christ providing needs that He arranges for us to meet to local communities as well as share His Gospel by giving away custom printed booklets of the Book of John.

As I’ve shared before, the Lord spoke to me last summer through His word. He told me that if I was of service to Him He would make things good for me…and just look at what He has done! He has healed me of cancer and is establishing the work of my hands!

May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us;
    establish the work of our hands for us—
    yes, establish the work of our hands. Psalm 90:17

How can you support us? Through prayer! As we update this site with what we are doing share your prayers and thoughts with us in the comments! Pray that we hear the Spirit throughout our days and obey His prompts. Pray that we seek the Lord at every turn and see clearly which way to go. Pray for opportunities to share His love and truth with those who do not know Him in a way that will draw them to their salvation in Him. Pray that I am able to find ways to teach, lead, and encourage inductive study in Albania.

To help financially support us we simply ask that you use our family businesses whenever our services can meet your needs. Since graduating college Joseph has been working to grow Hanco Exterminating back into the thriving business it was when Mike was here running it. The bookstore has remained open and we have worked to get our online site, ashlingbooksellers.com successful with many of our prices even beating or coming close to the great Amazon (shh!) and I will continue to do art workshops and speaking at churches. There will be times when we are raising money specifically for a project in Albania and we will we be sure to announce it when we are so that you will have the opportunity to participate.

Thank you sweet friends for praying me through and lifting me up over the last nine months. God heard our cries and not only healed my body but set plans in place to give us a future of hope and good - in His service!